Sunday, November 15, 2009


looking at the design in context...


Upon looking at branding my original thought was to use the full saloni symbol however I like the look of it without the red box as there are already so many angular lines going on in the piece that it sort of got lost. I therefore took the red box around the logo out and placed the "isaloni" across the chair. The visual affect seems to work quite nicely and gives is a more unique and funky look. I also looked into further branding options such as using the recycling symbol across the top of the seat. I like the visual appeal of this logo adn it works well seeing as how the xanita board itself is a sustainable option. The fact that the chair is built with no fixings or adhesives means it is 100% recyclable as well.

models, models, models. so many models!

Just a snapshot of some of the models created for this class. These ones are most of the models and prototypes I created while designing my chair! I can't wait to be able to walk in my room again! :)

Final Mock Up

The final prototype has worked out manyof the original kinks, however there are a few areas where if I had more time and a third piece of xanita I would love to work out. Overall though i am pleased with the results. The piece is strong and sturdy, and the joints are all hidden keeping teh clean line that I was going for.

Locking System Revisited

The locking system on the first xanita mock up did not work out as I had hoped. I sat down with my sketch pad and came up with a concept which I then worked out in xanita. This is what I ended up with. I think it works well to conceal the joint on the inside corners and creates a nice finish on the exterior.

Mock Up 2!

Testing the structure and locking system in xanita. This did not go as hoped but did prove useful.

mock up 1

The first attempt of the chair in regular b-flute cardboard. Testing the design!